WashU Data Science Student Newsletter Released

Statistics and Data Science announces a new, student-led data science newsletter.

We are excited to announce the release of the first Student Newsletter for data science students at WashU, a project realized through the dedicated efforts of its editor, Krisha Anant. This newsletter, created by and for students, aims to serve as an informal yet valuable platform for sharing relevant information and fostering community among WashU's data science students.

As a data science major herself, Krisha understands the importance of information sharing and community building within our growing field. With increasing interest in the data science major among students from both Arts & Sciences and the James McKelvey School of Engineering, this newsletter stands to play a significant role in our academic community. It will continue to evolve and enhance its content as more student contributors join the effort.

We extend our best wishes to Krisha and her future editorial team for their success in enriching the WashU data science student community.